1404 Industrial Drive · Saline, MI 48176 · Toll-Free (877) 995-4400 · 734-944-4400 · Fax 734-944-4402 Email Us
Invertech Inc.

Breathing Air Monitors
as recommended in OSHA Title29, Section 1910.134 (d)(1) & (2) ANSI/CGA Standard G-7.1
Grade D
Breathing Air Systems - Invertech Inc.
Invertech, Inc. breathing air systems consist of a three-stage filtration panel, Carbon Monoxide monitor or broad range toxic gas monitor, and output connectors. The systems are user configurable in different size filtration panels with 25, 50 and 100 CFM (Cubic Feet per Minute) filter capacity. Monitors are available in alarm only, color bar graph, analog meter and digital display with or without remote alarms. These features give you the ability to have a system that provides the safety required, designed by you to meet your cost and usage needs.
Invertech wants to work with you to provide the best system for the best value that meets your needs, give us a call to discuss your requirements. Take advantage of our many years of experience by giving use a call or complete our contact form.
1404 Industrial Drive · Saline, MI 48176 · 734-944-4400 · Fax 734-944-4402
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